A Visit to Dragonfly Wonderland with Ayhuasca

Ayahuasca Journey 

We women need to rise to the occasion. The ayahuasca experience rebirths, inspires, empowers, and ignites us to do that. The Cosmic Sister Plant Spirit Grant is just one small way women can encourage and support women to take that journey and shine as they were born to do.

Zoe Helene

It’s a warm pre-summer evening as I prepare my overnight bag for my upcoming journey. A few toiletries and clothes are placed in my bag and I rush out the door to hop in the car.

I arrive at the starting point of our journey. The home looks like an enchanted castle nestled into a green estate in Sant Just Desvern just on the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain. How could I not have known about this village before? It is close to the city, and yet another surreal, peaceful world.

Wide tree-lined streets and quant homes pervade instead of the matrix of apartments found downtown. We are escorted in and there is a magical ambience that our ShaMUM has created.

Beauty bombards the senses. Plush sofas to relax in, dim candles to soothe the eyes and rose water to delight the nose. There is beautiful art on the wall and ethereal music entertains the ears.

This isn’t the typical location for an Ayahuasca journey, like the ones I had heard about on Joe Rogan’s podcast. When he was interviewing Graham Hancock about his experiences one envisions a musty tent-covered platform in the jungle surrounded by snakes and a myriad of insects. However , destiny has crossed my path with Lina Va, who is our self-proclaimed ShaMUM. She is a sleek, sexy, high tech appassionato of Ayahuasca. After 4 years of intense use and personal healing, she has become an advocate for the plant medicine and offers regular ceremonies in her home. She explains that Ayahuasca has brought much beauty into her life, therefore, she flavors here ceremonies with aesthetic qualities for the senses to feast upon. Every detail is accounted for, including the way she clothes herself. She explains that we must dress with respect for the experience, as we are going to meet the divine. “Prepare yourself as if you are going on a magical date with your lover.”


 She is wearing a full-length lace halter dress. It adorns her tiny body with grace and elegance. Her soft, baby face is framed by a short sleek bob by her dark Asian hair. One side is shaved to the scalp, giving her an exotic, avatar look. Diamond earrings dance on her ears, and her designer Cartier bracelets jingle delicately as she glides through the room. She has a unique other-wordily air to her that is combined with luxury and elegance. She replaces any preconceived notions of a male ShaMAN dressed in feathers with a modern-day, futuristic feminine flare.

 She has dressed me in a red lace jumpsuit that makes me feel elegant and feminine. Quite appropriate as one of my objectives through this spiritual experiences is to awaken my Kundalini feminine and creative energy.

 Ayahuasca is a hallucanegenic brew that is created from vines and barks in the amazon jungle. This magical plant medicine creates a DMT mind expanding experience with a powerful psychadelic affect. Many people have amazing positive benefits in their life when using this substance regularly and I had an interest in the use of psychadelics after listening to Tim Ferris and his use of them in the treatment of depression and PTSD. Used by indigenous tribes for centuries, it is becoming popular with westerners for spiritual advancement, deep emotional and physical healing and finding ones purpose.


“When you drink ayahuasca, and you get to see divinity, you can almost never speak of it because it’s too big for words.” ― Gerard Armond Powell


We take the medicine in shot glasses and struggle to get down it’s foul taste. Reclining back into our futons , we close our eyes and absorb the music while we wait for Mother Ayahuasca to begin her magic.

An hour passes, and although I am feeling relaxed, I am not feeling any effect. Lisa offers another small dose and I return o my mat.

 I get lost in the music and get drawn into the frequency of the vibration of the sounds. The vibration enters my body and the frequency increases higher and higher. As it peaks, I feel myself slip into an opening and be drawn into a gap in space. I whirl at a dizzying high speed and seem to exit into another dimension. I am told that I am going home. I am hurled out into a huge bubble of darkness and silence. The silence is so vast and pleasurable. Time seems not to exist in this place.

 Here, I have transformed into an effervescent light being that is shaped as if it is part dragonfly on the upper body and part seahorse on the lower body. The lower part swirls around with delicate multi-colored angel hair of pink, red, blue and green tones. I am drifting back and forth on a swing just absorbing the immense peace of the place. I am told that this is what my home is like and that I can come here anytime when the going gets tough in my physical domain ... just by closing my eyes and disappearing into myself.

I delight in this experience for quite some time when I become mesmerized by a high frequency tone once again. A small portal opens and I am whisked off through another tunnel. This one is more like a cylinder and I travel through it at lightening pace and then exit into a yet another new dimension.

 In this new space I find myself lying in the large open vastness and I am being worked on by some energetic beings. They are multi-colored, tall and sleek and shaped like bi-ped grasshoppers ...skinny legs, rectangular body with a small head and gigantic eyes. They are buzzing in an effervescent light energy that is a combination of pink, turquoise, orange, red and green. The beings send laser beams of light into me which increase my frequency and they explain that this is a high-tech healing of my whole system.

 They are preparing my body to become a vessel, and then one of them enters it. It slides into my body and takes over complete control. I know they are loving beings and I am not scared at all. In fact, I feel quite privileged that they have chosen me. I have lost any control of my body and I feel the being trying to fit in and stretch its energy into every nook and cranny of my body. It test drives my limbs and senses and makes itself comfortable in its new location. I feel it thinking that the human body is so dense and cumbersome. My body will serve as a vessel to this light being so it will energize and power me to help them spread more goodness, love and respect throughout our planet.

I am buzzing with energy with my new co-host and return to the room. I gently slide back to my physical location in Lisa’s living room and wiggle myself into awareness. Dragonflies are known as a symbol of transformation and I do feel a profound change in my being. A deep feeling of awe and connection embraces me and I feel empowered to share this love-buzz with the world.

Note to reader: Much of my inspiration for experimenting with these plant medicines come from listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and his conversations with Graham Hancock as well as the Tim Ferris podcast where he discusses the important role that psychedelics can have in the treatment of depression and ptsd.

#Ayahuasca#AyahuascaJournies#shaman #interdimensialexperience #Joe Rogan #Tim Ferris #Graham Hancock

Doctor Mika

Doctor Mika ( aka: Dr. Michelle Nielsen) is a global leader in wellness for the mind, body, and soul working at a corporate level and with individuals through her workshops and retreats. She is an international speaker, healer, and writer and is the creator of dozens of guided meditations, a published author and a contributor to many well-known media outlets such as The Huffington Post


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