Gratitude Meditation and Mantras

Showing appreciation for all that we have is one of the most important factors in manifesting a splendid life.

When we strive for our goals from a place of lack and need, we send a message out that we are “running away” from something. As if there is “something wrong” with our present reality. This gives off a vibration of desperation and scarcity, and therefore, we attract more of the same. The great paradox is that when we are truly grateful and appreciative of our life as it is NOW, we send out the positive vibrations of abundance, therefore attracting in more wonderful people, prosperity and experiences. The more abundant we feel, the more abundant we become.

Gratitude is also a wonderful way to bring us into present time consciousness. When we are in a state of gratitude, it means that we are indeed, paying close attention to and appreciating everything that we have right NOW. In contrast to the sensation of striving to a better life that we convince ourselves will improve at some point in the future when we achieve or attain X, Y or Z. Being in the present allows us to experience joy, peace and calm. As ALL worries are about future anticipated events and sadness and pain comes from past memories.

Using mantra, or “positive self-talk” can shift our energy and perspective. Here are some gratitude mantras that you can use to create a serene meditation experience. Close your eyes as you imagine yourself looking into the cosmos… and repeat the following mantras to yourself. You will be put into a deeply profound state of gratitude, guaranteed to change your energy vibrations from negative to positive. You will align with the frequencies of abundance and love so that everything you wish for flows naturally into your life.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:

  • Embrace an attitude of gratitude.

  • Increase and enhance your energy vibrations.

  • Attract abundance and joy.

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your 3 Mantras to bring yourself into a profound state of gratitude. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three Mantras throughout the week and feel their vibrational energy entering in your being:

* I appreciate the abundance in my life and I allow myself to expand in gratitude, success and joy everyday.

* I clearly see all there is to be grateful for in life. I acknowledge the blessings I have received in my life with gratitude.

* Gratitude brings me into a harmonious relationship with the good in everyone and everything that surrounds me. 

You can permanently re-wire you subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep relaxing state during a guided meditation in order to re-wire your brain to embed them.

Enjoy and experience the deep sense of peace that results.

Doctor Mika

Doctor Mika ( aka: Dr. Michelle Nielsen) is a global leader in wellness for the mind, body, and soul working at a corporate level and with individuals through her workshops and retreats. She is an international speaker, healer, and writer and is the creator of dozens of guided meditations, a published author and a contributor to many well-known media outlets such as The Huffington Post

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