3 Meditation Mantras to  Boost Your Self Esteem and Confidence:

Most doubts and insecurities we experience in life are superficial, a layer of fear that masks a deeper, innate sense of self-trust, dignity, and self-worth. But when you quiet the false voices of negativity that cloud your thoughts, your true voice will be heard...the inner voice that says “I’m good enough!”.

However, it does take a bit of work and time to train your mind to ignore your “fear-loving Ego-Mind”, and turn up the volume of your “Higher Mind.” We must weed the garden in our subconscious mind, and plant the seeds of loving and supportive thoughts and beliefs.

You can use positive self-talk to re-program your mind and boost your confidence. The following Mantras will help you get to know who you really are and to accept, embrace, and celebrate all the things that make you the unique, wonderful person you are. It will transform your negative thought fixation and help you find the self-confidence that’s always been within you, waiting to be unleashed. With this new self-confidence, you will feel your authentic power emerge and live the life that you were meant to live.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the day you will:

·       Squelch insecurity.

·       Discover your positive attributes.

·       Shine like the star you are.

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your 3 Mantras to boost your self-esteem and unleash your hidden reserves of energy and vitality into your life. Find yourself in a relaxing place and take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three Mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy absorbing into your soul:

·       I embrace my happy feelings and enjoy being content as I love and appreciate myself.

·       I deserve to be happy and feel good everyday about all areas in my life.

·       I feel secure in who I am, and do not need to compare myself to others.

You can permanently re-wire you subconcious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them during a guided meditation and soon you will begin to feel more attractive and confident from the inside out.

Doctor Mika

Doctor Mika ( aka: Dr. Michelle Nielsen) is a global leader in wellness for the mind, body, and soul working at a corporate level and with individuals through her workshops and retreats. She is an international speaker, healer, and writer and is the creator of dozens of guided meditations, a published author and a contributor to many well-known media outlets such as The Huffington Post


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