Meditation to Attract Your Soulmate

Each of us has the power within to attract a soul mate and experience all the joys that finding the ideal partner can bring. For many, however, that power has been dulled by self-doubt, leaving them lost and alone. We may have noxious pain from the past that is shutting the door to our love lives. Or, even more common, a suitcase full of limiting beliefs and toxic emotions in permanent storage in our subconscious mind.

To reclaim your power, you must re-program your heart, mind, and soul with the unshakeable belief that you can and will be loved. Thus, projecting a new, fresh and attractive vibrational energy that will magnetize the right people towards you. There are, in fact, several soul mates out there for you waiting for you to find them.

By repeating positive phrases to yourself, you can re-program your brain to receive the love that you deserve. The following powerful mantras will actually help you physically attract your soul mate. The words will open your heart to love and to being loved, and you will send out a clear message to the Universe that will be heard and responded to by the man or woman who was intended just for you.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:

·       Clarify your desires.

·       Broadcast your dreams to the Universe.

·       Bring love into your life.

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your 3 Mantras to attract your soul-mate into your life. Find yourself in a relaxing place and take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy entering in your being:

·       I feel light, confident and secure about finding love.

·       I deserve a loving, fulfilling relationship as I have so much to offer.

·       I am filled with pleasant anticipation about my love life.


You can permanently re-wire your subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep meditative state with a guided meditation. By changing your predominant thought process, you will eventually change your life and attract in the life that you dream of and deserve.

Doctor Mika

Doctor Mika ( aka: Dr. Michelle Nielsen) is a global leader in wellness for the mind, body, and soul working at a corporate level and with individuals through her workshops and retreats. She is an international speaker, healer, and writer and is the creator of dozens of guided meditations, a published author and a contributor to many well-known media outlets such as The Huffington Post

The Ultimate Success Tool: Meditation


3 Meditation Mantras to  Boost Your Self Esteem and Confidence: