Date Night with the Divine: Lessons from an evening with a fungi.

What I learned from psilocybin mushrooms

It’s a delicious Thursday evening late Spring.  

I am tingling with excitement as I begin to prepare for my enticing date. I convert the bedroom into a sacred space and decorate it with fresh flowers, scented candles and soothing music. 

After a long, sensual shower I treat my body to wonderful oils and perfumes. Finally, I slip into a slick bodysuit and sensual robe. As I relax into the rhythm of the evening, I brew and sip on my sacred tea. 

The tea is a blend of honey, lemon and psilocybin mushrooms. These sacred fungi contain a psychedelic substance that has been known by many ancient cultures to create mystical experiences. Also known as “magic mushrooms”, they have a history of use in spiritual and shamanic practices going back thousands of years. They appear in cave-drawings and are depicted in the art and legends of many early cultures. Modern day researchers are even looking at how this fascinating plant can be effectively used to treat depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, improve brain function, expand consciousness and enhance creativity.

(For more about this topic consult the blog of  Tim Ferris here)

I sip my tea and write my intentions for this experience in my diary, “to experience the divine and become closer to SOURCE”. 

I return to the bedroom, relax on the floor in a yoga posture and meditate to the relaxing sounds in the Co-Creation Playlist gifted to me by a friend. 

Shortly thereafter, a deep wave of relaxation flows into my body and I have the desire to stretch and move. I breath deep and slow and seem to drift into the space between time. My essence floats into the GAP and infinite space between all things.   The slower I breath, the further I travel into the boundless and infinity of existence.

 As I gaze at the ceiling, it seems to fill with an array of sparkling light and the room takes on the sensation of a temple. 

My mind seems to be taken over by the mantric-like phrase :  “The Temple of Heaven is Within” which sings out in a soothing and meditative way.  Most of us have heard this a thousand times, but in this space, it takes on new meaning. Again, and again this phrase repeats itself and a flash of my life’s worldly possessions and desires stream by and seem so meaningless. I giggle at the silliness of my problems and my incessant rushing around and striving for things, status and experiences.  Joy and abundance is right here, in the stillness.

I lay back and relish the angelic voice of an opera singer that is filling the room. The voice and music take on a 3-dimensional form and I enter into the frequency and vibration of the sounds. It becomes clear to me that true, higher art is an expression of the divine. 

How I wish I was blessed with an artistic talent to channel the expression of the Divine. So, I ask IT,  “How can I serve you? How can I express you?”. 

“Your only job here is to help people become closer to SOURCE”, it answers.

I absorb the frequency of the music and literally feel it enter into my body, my cells and my DNA. My body is moving and wiggling as it physically allows this beauty to enter. It feels like it is re-programming me and my perceptions. A voice says to me, “Only birth beauty”. As marvelous as this sounds, it is going to be challenging for me as I was not born with any typical artist talent. “Just be YOU” the voice says, “BE INFECTIOUS JOY.”

I bathe in ecstasy, feeling the divine travel within me. I become aware of my energetic centers, aka: my chakras. I feel stirring at the base of my spine and perineum. A gentle energy swirls and wiggles into me and begins to dance around this energetic center. A glow of soft red, smoky, hazy light dances around this area and I feel this chakra open like a flower blossoming. As it does, sparkles of energy release and travel up through my body. The symbol of this chakra, Muladhara appears. It is small at first and then expands into my vision and grows to fill my whole body. I am reminded of the feminine creative power that we possess in this center and allow it to penetrate my body. I allow this Kundalini Energy to course through me. Kundalini, the sleeping coiled snake… a source of infinite life energy awaiting to be aroused and energize our life. 

Symbol  of Muladhara: The First Sacral Base Chakra

Symbol of Muladhara: The First Sacral Base Chakra

Feeling the Kundalini stir to life in me, I begin to wriggle like a snake. I become a snake, shedding its skin while my mind repeats “I shed and let go of all that doesn’t serve me”. I physically feel old thought patterns, doubts and fears being extracted from my body. First, I shed them and allow a new version of myself to emerge.  

Kundalini Energy

Kundalini Energy

Next, a different sensation takes over. It’s as if a laser beam is traveling through my body and pinpointing areas of blockages and tension and blasting them away. As I basque in this liberation, a new mantra fills my  mind: “I am emotionally free.”

As I do, my awareness moves to my heart chakra and I allow beams of love to pour in. “You deserve to be loved”, calls out the universe. The love continues to pour into my chest and then forms a warm liquid blanket that wraps itself around my whole body. A bath of self-love like I have never experienced before.  

I  surrender and take a journey to what feels like zero-point energy and the edge of creation. I become pure energy and observe life and the planet from this vantage point, aware that I can birth any desire into reality from this place. I decide to experiment and experience Atlantis, and pass some joyful moments there. I return back to the edge and even though I am aware that I can create anything that I want, I feel a complete lack of desire. Being so caught up in the joy of the moments, leaves me wanting for nothing. 

I feel blessed and grateful to be treated to this mystical experience. My intention has been fulfilled in this wonderful Date with the Divine. The message imparted to me is simple: that life’s most noble pursuit is dedicating yourself to the divine. In whatever practice that is be,  whether through yoga, art, meditation or service.

The challenge will be to conserve and translate this experience into my everyday life. To ebb away at the resistance and barriers of my ego self and conditioning.  I must learn to avoid getting caught up in the craziness and frenetic energy of the external world and lose my connection to spirit. My task is to find a way to allow my ego self and soul self to harmoniously share residence in this mortal body of mine through its present journey in this physical plane. 

I am grateful for these insights and this profound experience  from this most unlikely source, an innocent looking mushroom. 

Note to reader: Much of my inspiration for experimenting with these plant medicines come from listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and his conversations with Graham Hancock as well as the Tim Ferris podcast where he discusses the important role that psychedelics can have in the treatment of depression and ptsd.

#InterdimensionalJournies #Mystical Experiences #PlantMedicines #Tribal Medicines #interdimensialexperience #doctorMika #Joe Rogan #TimFerris #psilocybin mushrooms #psilocybin

Doctor Mika

Doctor Mika ( aka: Dr. Michelle Nielsen) is a global leader in wellness for the mind, body, and soul working at a corporate level and with individuals through her workshops and retreats. She is an international speaker, healer, and writer and is the creator of dozens of guided meditations, a published author and a contributor to many well-known media outlets such as The Huffington Post

A Transformational Experience with Bufo Alvarius


My Spiritual Sabbatical: A Year with Tribal and Plant Medicines